Business consulting
The rapid and overwhelming pace of global technological evolution is identified in the fact that there is no company that does not meet the risk of transformation of its reference business over the next decade. The business consulting unit at Jump assists customers to help them turn into successful companies in the modern economy, embracing digital as a central driver for their success.
Given the rapid change in technology along with the change in user expectations and what is likely to be a highly competitive future landscape, How does this translate into an appropriate customer strategy for a long-term sustainable competitive advantage?
In this regard, Jump’s approach aims to understand new market and revenue opportunities, new business models and new ways to generate savings on business costs. Connected to the design of a unified digital experience of Jump, our strategic and consulting vision translates into conceptual projects that clearly communicate the direction that a digitally transformed company will have to take.
Finally, Jump’s consulting team works closely with customers to make their transformation operational and concrete.We have extensive experience in helping to plan and implement the “shift” to digital, including assisting customers to set the appropriate technologies, processes, operating structures and internal capabilities needed to succeed in the digital age. Multi-annual roadmaps and plans are combined with daily attention to build together the internal momentum for wider change.